SIMON BOLIVAR BUCKNER, Confederate General Civil War Date Signed Document, 10988

SIMON BOLIVAR BUCKNER, Confederate General Civil War Date Signed Document, 10988
SIMON BOLIVAR BUCKNER, Confederate General Civil War Date Signed Document, 10988

SIMON BOLIVAR BUCKNER, Confederate General Civil War Date Signed Document, 10988

Grant - February, 1862; Veteran of the Mexican War; Governor of Kentucky - 1887-91. Maj[or] Gen[era]l Commanding. A manuscript listing of rations.

Abstract of Provisions issued from the 1. Day of December 1863 to the troops of the Confederate States stationed in the field by Capt[ain] I. Lightly and evenly toned, with two horizontal folds.
SIMON BOLIVAR BUCKNER, Confederate General Civil War Date Signed Document, 10988

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