Civil War / 1863 Confederate Document Headquarters Dept No 2 Tullahoma Tenn June

Civil War / 1863 Confederate Document Headquarters Dept No 2 Tullahoma Tenn June
Civil War / 1863 Confederate Document Headquarters Dept No 2 Tullahoma Tenn June

Civil War / 1863 Confederate Document Headquarters Dept No 2 Tullahoma Tenn June

1863 Confederate Document: Headquarters Dept. 18 By Command of General Bragg. Signed H W Walter A. Author: [Civil War] [Confederate Army] H.

Walter, Assistant Adjutant General Title: 1863 Confederate Document: Headquarters Dept. Genl Publication: Tullahoma, Tennessee: 1863. 18 In Reference to the enemy sending citizens and non combatants through our lines under Flag of Truce. 18 written on the front side and signed by the Assistant Adjutant General H. Also located on the lower left corner of the document is written Maj Genl Wheeler?

A' g Wheeler's Cav Corps. On the verso is a handwritten summary of the order. The paper has dried water stains. The ink is light in spots.

This handwritten General Order was reprinted in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion War of the Rebellion Records Series I. XXIII Part II Correspondence, Etc. Chapter XXXV pages 858, 859.

The signature at the bottom of the document is not legible but it is not in the hand of General Wheeler. The document reads: The enemy has seen fit to expel from his lines and send to our midst not only those supposed to be guilty of crimes but non-combatants found in their homes in the peaceful pursuits of life. In the perpetration of these outrages on humanity, and these violations of civilized warfare, he has prostituted the flag of truce to the base purpose of protecting the guards who drive forth these exiles. Hereafter that flag will not protect those guards, but they will be seized and sent forward to be treated as spies or prisoners of war as the circumstances in each case may require. By Command of General Bragg. Americana Books has been in business since 1993. We are active members of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA), Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA), the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB), and the Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers Association (GABA). We sell books in all fields but specialize in the subject of Americana. We offer an assortment of books, ephemera and material relating to the exploration and expansion of America, Native Americans, pioneer narratives, personal memoirs and reminiscences, political movements, law, genealogy and local histories, innovations, conflicts, scandals, oppression, inspiration and many other related topics. We hope our customers will share our enthusiasm and passion for history and will enjoy doing business with Americana Books. Dave Hamilton, Americana Books ABAA. All books are guaranteed as described. This listing was created by Bibliopolis.
Civil War / 1863 Confederate Document Headquarters Dept No 2 Tullahoma Tenn June

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